


Translation: Wine wastes five grains, giving rise to thieves; indulging in drinking, thieves are endless. Submit a report to the county magistrate, forbid the people from drinking. In the sentence “生起” in “On Balance,” what does it mean?

Wine consumes five grains and can (intoxicate the mind) turn people into thieves. If one indulges in drinking, more and more people will become thieves. It is necessary to ask the local officials to prohibit the common people from drinking. Here, “生” and “起” are mentioned together, both meaning occurrence or appearance. If it were to rise, it would be a resultative complement, which is not the case here.

The areas that have been eroded and damaged will practice exorcism and ward off evil spirits, using the principles of the five elements (the theory of mutual generation and restriction) to hang items such as gold, wood, water, and fire. Here, “起” means to start doing something. If it were to sit up, it would be a resultative complement, which is not the case here.


People can be shameless to the extent of harming others for their own benefit, bullying the weak, forcing others to do what they cannot, committing murder for money, robbery, deception, ingratitude, and doing all kinds of evil deeds. This is the so-called free life that those ignorant and shameless, uneducated people aspire to. They can go to the extent of shamelessness and persistence, manipulating all means and souls to achieve their desired interests, including power, money, and women. Once a person loses conscience, nothing is impossible. It is easier to be a bad person than a good person. To be a good person, one must resist temptation, control one’s greedy thoughts, and abide by rules and discipline, being honest and brave to do good deeds. Good people are trained, while bad people are spoiled. The nature of human beings is evil from the beginning, which is a fact. Without training, people will become extremely selfish and hurt others. Learning is just the instinct given by nature to human beings. It is only a step away to learn well or badly.


  1. Poverty in the bustling city is ignored, while wealth in the deep mountains has distant relatives.
  2. No one plows the barren fields, but once someone starts to plow, there will be disputes.
  3. If you don’t visit for three years, even close relatives will become estranged.
  4. When choosing a wife, look at her mother; when buying a house, look at its walls.
  5. A small amount of rice can nurture gratitude, but a large amount can breed hatred.
  6. There are no filial children by the bedside of a long-term sick parent, nor virtuous wives in a long-term poor family.
  7. Relatives may not be real relatives, while non-relatives may be closer than relatives; distant water cannot put out nearby fires, and distant relatives are not as good as neighbors.
  8. If someone shows excessive kindness without reason, they are either treacherous or thievish.
  9. The King of Hell is easy to meet, but the little devils are difficult to deal with.
  10. It is better to offend a gentleman than a villain.
  11. The water is too deep, the wind is too strong, and it is better to speak less if you have no strength.
  12. White liquor flushes people’s faces, while gold blackens people’s hearts.
  13. Do not act as an intermediary or guarantor, and you will have no worries for life.
  14. In the mountains, you are not afraid of tigers that hurt people, but of double-edged human relationships.
  15. Human relationships are as thin as paper, and worldly affairs are constantly changing like a chess game.
  16. Who is not talked about behind their back, and who does not talk about others in front of them?
  17. Making money is as difficult as picking up soil with a needle, and spending money is as easy as pushing sand with water.
  18. It is better to work hard than to shout loudly.
  19. It is only right to help the poor, not to help gambling addicts.
  20. There are straight trees in the mountains, but there are no straight people in the world.
  21. Relatives should not share wealth, or they will cut off relations.
  22. Alcohol disregards people, lust disregards health, and wealth disregards relatives.
  23. Do not mix with the crowd if you have no money, and do not seek help from relatives in times of trouble.
  24. Observe the weather when going out, and notice people’s expressions when entering a house.
  25. Those who are neither deaf nor mute are not fit to be householders. People love the rich, and dogs bite the poor.


  1. When building a house, don’t make it taller than your neighbor’s, especially if you live to the west of them!
  2. As you get older, don’t stay overnight at a relative’s house!
  3. On the second day of the lunar new year, as a daughter, it is better to leave more money for your parents than to bring more gifts, especially in families with several sisters!
  4. Don’t do a job that anyone can do for a long time, as it really makes people comfortable and afraid to leave this comfort zone, making it hard to turn over.
  5. An opposite-sex person who treats you well for no reason is either after you or your money, either way, you will suffer losses!
  6. Those who don’t know how to give gifts can only watch those inferior to them become leaders and earn higher salaries, which is really hard to bear.
  7. When conflicts arise between husband and wife, and the woman stops arguing, the man should be alert, as divorce is likely.
  8. Friends that your wife doesn’t like at first sight, trust her sixth sense! Reduce contact with these friends.
  9. If a heterosexual superior suddenly shows special concern for you, women should be alert. If you don’t want to become a mistress, keep your distance.
  10. No matter how capable you are, don’t show off in front of your superiors. Understand your position—you are not as good as them!
  11. Before marriage, everything is fine between two brothers; after marriage, nothing is fine. Understand the concept of personal space.
  12. The more money you lend out, the harder it is to get back. This is human nature. It hurts to return the money from your own hands, and the more you return, the more painful it is, even if you know it’s not yours!
  13. Don’t expect your wife to have a good relationship with your parents. As long as they can get along, the more you demand, the more conflicts there will be.
  14. If you are poor, really try to avoid visiting relatives, as they are afraid you might cause trouble!
  15. At any time, don’t get too close to married women, even if there’s nothing between you, gossip will assume there is, and you’ll end up suffering.
  16. Don’t joke around with people you don’t know well. Some people have very low tolerance thresholds, and your joke could start a conflict.
  17. When dining with elders, be particular. They may say they don’t care, but if you really don’t care, they will take offense!
  18. In conflicts, don’t say harsh words. It is the most irrational behavior and will only escalate the conflict.
  19. When bargaining in a store to exchange items, never say the quality is poor. The owner may get angry and ask you to add more money.
  20. Don’t always lie in front of your family. If you do it too much, even your family won’t trust you! This will greatly affect marital relationships.
  21. When you are away from home, learn to only tell your parents the good news and not the worries, as they will worry excessively!
  22. During a couple’s quarrel, it is better to hit the wall than to hit each other, otherwise, you might end up alone for the rest of your life!
  23. Don’t believe those who say reading is useless; they are often the ones who cannot benefit from it.


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